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"I Know the Scriptures Are True"

My talk today to introduce the Primary presentation.

The purpose of the Primary presentation is for the children to share what they've learned throughout the year in Sharing Time. Each child picked a monthly theme and wrote their understanding and testimony of it. The other part of the program is the music. The songs teach gospel doctrine, make it easier to remember and learn the doctrine, and invite the Spirit to testify of the truth of the doctrine.

This year's theme was "I know the scriptures are true," and the accompanying scripture was "For my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them" (2 Nephi 4:15).

The letter in the manual from the Primary General Presidency states:
The scriptures are the word of God. As you prayerfully read the scriptures and apply the principles taught in them and in this outline, you will be spiritually prepared to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the children in your Primary. You will also be able to use the scriptures to help the children understand gospel principles you will teach this year, such as Heavenly Father’s plan, the mission of Jesus Christ, the role of prophets, the Restoration of the Church, and the blessings of the temple. The scriptures will help you invite the Spirit into your Primary and create an environment in which the children can feel the influence of the Holy Ghost. That influence will help every Primary child be able to say, “I know the scriptures are true.”
That is the goal, for the children to be able to say at the end of the year that they know the scriptures are true.

The first month introduced the scriptures: "The scriptures are the word of God." The first week, we reviewed what the scriptures are. The second week we talked about feasting on the words of Christ (2 Nephi 32:3). I took two paper plates and pasted magazine photos of a Thanksgiving feast on one and snack foods on the other. I related to the children how if we only eat snack foods, we won't be full or receive all the nutrition we need to grow. The same applies to feeding our spirituality. Just snacking on the scriptures won't nourish us in the same way that feasting will.

The third week we held a rope across the room with a photo of Jesus on one end. The children had to hold onto the rope while blindfolded to find Jesus. A similar activity is usually done to explain the role of the Holy Ghost, but in this case, it was to show that the scriptures lead us to Christ. They tell us everything we need to do to become closer to Him (2 Nephi 32:3).

The fourth week was "I can know the scriptures are true." To help the children with this goal, I used the scriptures more in lessons. It can be hard because we mostly have young children who can't read, but we help them find the scripture verse and follow along to get them comfortable using the scriptures and hearing the words.

I know the scriptures are true. It's one of the things that's been easy for me to have a testimony of. I love to read the scriptures. I love the Book of Mormon and how plain it is to understand and the Spirit I feel when I read it. I hope the children will come to love the scriptures and know they are true, too.

Challenge: Find out for yourself if the scriptures are true, and "feast upon the words of Christ."


DAD said…
Anonymous said…
Can you come and do sharing time at our ward? You have great idea.


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