Busy as a man can be,
If you need to confess something, as embarrassing as it may be, you need not fear your bishop's reaction. And you can talk to your bishop about anything, not just about sins. Bishops give good counsel, priesthood blessings, listening ears, and love--lots of love. I advise you to talk to your bishop, get to know him better, and establish a relationship with him. He really does love you. As overwhelmed and busy as he is, he will always find time for you and help you.
He's our bishop.
He finds time to talk to me;
He's our bishop.
Always kindly words he'll say
To the children every day.
Let us help him every way;
He's our bishop.
Cheerful as he serves the Lord,
He's our bishop.
He's the father of our ward;
He's our bishop.
He helps us to do the right
In our Heavenly Father's sight.
We love him with all our might;
He's our bishop.
I love my bishop. I can think of only a couple bishops I did not like, and that's because I didn't understand the true nature of bishops at the time, and so I feared them. When I was about 17, I learned to appreciate them. Bishops are not principals or policemen (though maybe some are by profession). Bishops are Christ-like and fatherly: they love us unconditionally and want us to be happy; they are sweet and understanding. Bishops help us to repent, grow in the gospel, be spiritually strong, and find comfort and peace.
If you need to confess something, as embarrassing as it may be, you need not fear your bishop's reaction. And you can talk to your bishop about anything, not just about sins. Bishops give good counsel, priesthood blessings, listening ears, and love--lots of love. I advise you to talk to your bishop, get to know him better, and establish a relationship with him. He really does love you. As overwhelmed and busy as he is, he will always find time for you and help you.
Sharing Time: What good memories do you have of one of your bishops?
Photo of H. David Burton, Presiding Bishop, from ldschurchnews.com