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An Unexpected Gospel Lesson From Cleaning My Glasses

photo by Jean Scheijen
Based on the testimony I gave Sunday.

Because I only wear my glasses shortly in the morning and before bed, I don't put effort into taking care of them properly. I wipe them clean with just my shirt and only use water if they're really dirty. I've never had any issues with this method.

When we first moved here, I went to a community event showcasing local businesses and received eyeglass cleaner and a cleaning cloth from an optometrist. They sat in a drawer for the last two years. A couple weeks ago, out of nowhere, I finally decided to use them.

The difference was unbelievable!

I was astonished by the enhanced clarity. I couldn't believe not only that I had been missing out all these years on even better vision, but also that I didn't even know I was missing out! I thought my glasses had been perfectly clean, when in fact they had the potential to be even clearer had I used the proper materials specifically made for the job.

I immediately related this to the gospel. (I love how gospel symbolism and lessons can be found in the most everyday situations.) I thought of repentance and how I may think I'm clean because everything looks good, but really I could be even cleaner if I ask the Holy Ghost to reveal to me where I can improve and then use the Atonement to become truly clean. I thought how there is no replacement for the Atonement. No amount of good deeds, personal righteousness, or help and support from others can do what Christ did through His infinite sacrifice.

Then I thought how much better I could see. Repentance leads us to be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost, who lets us see things as they really and remain clean as we follow the truth he shows us.

I am so grateful for this small but significant experience. It opened my eyes to how I need to use the proper materials to keep myself truly pure and able to discern truth. Now I clean my glasses with the cleaner and cloth every night and am working on doing the same with my spirit.

Sharing Time: Share a time when a seemingly insignificant situation led to a significant gospel lesson.


DAD said…
i clearly see why you are a wonderful Gospel girl of mine
Anonymous said…
Yes, we can discern truth -- all truth -- in all subjects. The atonement can also allow us to forgive ourselves.

Anonymous said…
Mom often asks me how can I see through my glasses. I do not clean them.

Seeing things in the gospel perspective can help you see and understand things and events better.

Sometimes stories from the Book of Mormon or Bible pop into my mind. Thoughts on the lessons I've learned come into my mind too. The Holy Ghost, through these things, help me to know what is really happening and helps me too see things in the bigger picture.


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