We receive an abundance of blessings when we have the Spirit always with us. Elder Kim B. Clark promised:
I know that if we will do these things, the Holy Ghost will come! . . . We increasingly will see all of our brothers and sisters the way God sees them . . . . We will hear the Savior’s voice in the scriptures, in the whisperings of the Spirit, and in the words of the living prophets. . . . We will see and understand ourselves and the world around us the way the Savior does. We will come to have what the Apostle Paul called “the mind of Christ.” I bear you my witness that through the companionship of the Holy Ghost, the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ will cut through the confusion, the pain, and the darkness. Whether it comes in a remarkable burst or in a gentle flow, that glorious spiritual power will infuse healing love and comfort into the repentant, wounded soul; dispel darkness with the light of truth; and cast out discouragement with hope in Christ.President Eyring said, “When we accept that promise of having the Spirit with us always, the Savior can grant us the purification required for eternal life, the greatest of all the gifts of God.”
We often forget the Holy Ghost's role as the Holy Spirit of Promise, who sanctifies us and ratifies the covenants we make if we've kept them fully so that we become worthy of exaltation. Without the gift of the Holy Ghost, we can't obtain the greatest gift of all, eternal life in God's presence.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3