Guest post from Jean Vogler of
past couple weeks as we’ve been reading about Moses being tempted by Satan and ultimately casting Satan out, I thought of how this is a
great witness to us that true power comes only through our Savior, Jesus
As I
imagine Satan “weeping, wailing, gnashing his teeth,” and the earth
trembling because of his anger, it brings to mind a very irate child,
throwing one major tantrum because he can’t have what he wants. He
realizes he truly has no power over us. So what does the child do? He
uses fear to demand our personal power and freedom be given to him –
fear of his anger or of his potential to destroy or embarrass (breaking
things, making a mess on purpose, screaming in the store or kicking the
dog). He may threaten (I’m going to run away!) or try emotional wounds
(I hate you! You don’t love me.).
But there
is not true power in these words and actions. It is only a strong (and
quite frustrating) temptation. The only power the child can gain is from
the parent that gives in. How did Moses ultimately defeat Satan? By
calling (aloud) on the name and power of Jesus Christ to cast Satan out
of his presence.
1 John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” And what is love? Verse 16 states it very plainly: God is love.
Satan could not stand up to the power of Christ, because he has no inherent power in himself. He had to go.
yourself and your family through the power of Christ, and stand tall
against the fear Satan puts into our hearts. Don’t give in to the
temptation to use fear as Satan does either, to rule over others in
torment. Instead use the power of Christ’s love for us, shown through His beautiful and holy atonement, to teach and encourage and strengthen.
Cast Satan
out of your heart, out of your home – even aloud if you need to! Then
continually turn to the Lord to fill your heart and home with His spirit
and love. Don’t leave any empty space for Satan to try and wiggle his
way back in. Call upon the power of Christ through diligent prayer and
searching the scriptures to fortify your life. Receive His true power in
your life.