My cousin shared this article on Facebook a while ago. Although it is written for mainstream Christians, it also applies to us Latter-day Saints.
5 Really Bad Reasons to Leave Your Church
Our own leaders have also addressed the issue of leaving the Church:
Come, Join with Us - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
And Nothing Shall Offend Them - Elder David A. Bednar
That Ye Not Be Offended - Ensign article
"A Brother Offended" - Elder Neal A. Maxwell
Challenge: If you have problems with the Church, first identify what they are: the people? doctrine? leaders? traditions? Then discuss them with a trusted person still in the Church and work them out with the Lord through study and prayer.
5 Really Bad Reasons to Leave Your Church
Our own leaders have also addressed the issue of leaving the Church:
Come, Join with Us - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
And Nothing Shall Offend Them - Elder David A. Bednar
That Ye Not Be Offended - Ensign article
"A Brother Offended" - Elder Neal A. Maxwell
Challenge: If you have problems with the Church, first identify what they are: the people? doctrine? leaders? traditions? Then discuss them with a trusted person still in the Church and work them out with the Lord through study and prayer.