Part 3 of my sacrament talk (read Part 1 and Part 2):
Being an example in our homes and following the example of our Redeemer fulfills His call for us to be a light unto the world and a standard unto the nations. Those around us will notice our positive family lives and be touched by our examples, which will plant gospel seeds in their hearts, allowing them to someday accept the gospel and change their families to positive influences as well. So by being an example of the believers to our children we are doing missionary work.
With so much responsibility
to teach by good example, show love, and learn along with and from our
children, it is important that we have good examples to follow. Heavenly Father
gave us the best example: His Son, Jesus Christ. “What manner of men ought ye
to be?” asked the Savior. “Even as I am” (3 Nephi 27:27). We will never fail by
doing what He did.
Sometimes it is hard to
emulate the Savior because He was so perfect, so he has given us other examples
to follow: Christ-like Church leaders and family members. If we ever do not
know how to act in a situation, we can watch and imitate them, and in turn be
imitating Christ. Our children will also be inspired to follow good examples as
they see us strive to do the same and see the happiness and peace it brings to
our lives.Being an example in our homes and following the example of our Redeemer fulfills His call for us to be a light unto the world and a standard unto the nations. Those around us will notice our positive family lives and be touched by our examples, which will plant gospel seeds in their hearts, allowing them to someday accept the gospel and change their families to positive influences as well. So by being an example of the believers to our children we are doing missionary work.
I then closed by bearing my testimony, reminding our ward to be examples of reverence to our children so we can accomplish our goal of being more reverent, and embarrassed my son's Nursery teacher by sharing how her example has touched me.
Sharing Time: Who are good examples in your life?