- Wear jewelry and clothing with LDS sayings on them, such as CTR or I love to see the temple. You can also put decals with LDS sayings and symbols on a backpack, tote bag, car, laptop, phone, etc.
- When someone asks you about your weekend, talk about any church activities you attended, like baptisms, ward activities, temple weddings, and, of course, church on Sunday.
- Display beautiful photos of Jesus and temples in your home and work area.
- Read the Ensign, scriptures, or LDS books at the doctor's office, bus stop, and other waiting areas.
- Invite friends to fun church activities, such as sports games, dances, a recreational family home evening, community service, or ward holiday activities. Also invite them to spiritual activities in which your family is involved, like your child's baby blessing or baptism, speaking in sacrament meeting or Primary, or participating in a special musical number.
- Invite friends to very special Church events, like any pageants, concerts, or temple open houses in your area.
Discussion: What are other ways we can create missionary opportunities?