Teach your children how to use modern media in righteous ways by incorporating them in Family Home Evening:
Sharing Time: What are some other ideas?
- Have everyone share their favorite Mormon Message.
- Download hymns and Primary songs to iTunes, iPods, or iPhones. Make playlists for certain activities, such as "On our way to church" or "Wiggle songs."
- Take photos or make videos to submit to the media library on lds.org.
- Make profiles on mormon.org.
- Read an Ensign (or other Church magazine) article, General Conference talk, or the scriptures and have everyone follow along on their laptop/tablet, phone, or iPod touch. Or have each person read or watch a talk of their choice and then share what they learned with the rest of the family.
- Work on Personal Progress or Duty to God online.
- Listen to the LDS radio.
- Work on scripture mastery or memorizing the Articles of Faith together.
- Play games from The Friend online.
- Have Family Home Evening with family members elsewhere via Skype.
Sharing Time: What are some other ideas?