President Boyd K. Packer shared this story in General Conference of October 2007 (I recommend reading the entire address):
All worthy priesthood holders should be treated as if they were high-ranking Church leaders. They should be respected, listened to, and loved. When we are faced with priesthood holders who do not fulfill their duties, John Bytheway, in his book Behind Every Good Man, advises that the positivity and admiration we give them will encourage them to reach higher and meet, if not exceed, their priesthood expectations.When I was a young man, I was a home teacher to a very old sister. She taught me from her life experience.When she was a little girl, President Brigham Young came to Brigham City, a great event in the town named after him. To honor him, the Primary children, all dressed in white, were lined up along the road coming into town, each with a basket of flowers to spread before the carriage of the President of the Church.Something displeased her. Instead of throwing her blossoms, she kicked a rock in front of the carriage, saying, “He ain’t one bit better than my Grandpa Lovelund.” That was overheard, and she was severely scolded.I am very sure that President Brigham Young would be the first to agree with little Janie Steed. He would not consider himself to be worth more than Grandpa Lovelund or any other worthy member of the Church.
Furthermore, just because a man is not a General Authority does not mean he isn't righteous. The Church needs strong men to lead wards, to be role models for the young men, to be diligent home teachers and missionaries. What matters is not a man's calling but the fact that he holds the priesthood.
Challenge: Show respect to all men who hold God's priesthood power.