Teaching scripture stories to toddlers is important for instilling them with faith in God, gospel knowledge, and power to do what’s right. But it’s not easy for them to understand the scriptures and they have short attention spans, so try the following ideas to help them learn better.
- If your toddler has difficulty cooperating during family scripture study, let them read their church books while the family reads from the scriptures. They will learn that it is a special time to read about the gospel.
- Try reading toddler books about scripture stories together before bed.
- Retell scriptures stories in your own words at a toddler level. To get little children involved, have them do something (like clap) every time they hear a certain key word (like faith). Or make little happy and sad faces for them to hold up when they hear the words “happy” and “sad.”
- Read the Church's scripture stories for children. After a few sentences, read the corresponding verses from the scriptures. Remember Elder Bednar's words that even babies can feel the spirit of the scriptures although they do not understand them.
- Use puppets, stuffed animals, toys, pictures, and other props for visual and audio aides while you tell scripture stories. Toddlers enjoy a lot of sensory stimulation.
- Buy or make a flannel board to teach scripture stories. Let the kids help you put up the paper cutouts.
- Have toddlers act out scripture stories. Make it fun and dress them up in bath robes and sandals and use props. This idea works best for Family Home Evening.
- Watch Veggie Tales cartoons or other animated scripture stories. Discuss the story afterward to help your toddler understand the lessons taught and how to apply them in their young lives. Try corresponding the movie to what you are reading in family scripture study.
- Sing Primary songs about scripture stories, such as “Nephi's Courage.” Again, try to correspond them to what you are reading.
- Most important, be an example to your children. Let them see you read and study the scriptures, follow the commandments, and live a Christ-like life. They will learn by example how to apply the gospel to their own lives.
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