Making time for personal scripture study can be difficult when you have a busy schedule. Take advantage of the few moments you have each day to squeeze in a short scripture study.
- Study the scriptures for one minute right after you wake up or before you go to bed.
- Read a few scripture verses any few minutes you get: while eating, brushing your teeth, waiting for something to boil or heat up in the microwave, watching TV during commercials, etc.
- Buy the scriptures on CD or download them to your iPod to listen to in the car, at home, or while exercising.
- Keep scriptures in your car or purse to read when you have down time or are waiting for something. Also, you can download the scriptures onto smartphones.
- Sign up to get a daily scripture verse email.
- If even these tips don’t work for you, then stop wasting time! If you have time to watch your favorite TV show, go on Facebook, or read a book, then you have time for a few minutes of personal scripture study. Put God and your spirituality first! If you lack motivation, give yourself incentives for having personal scripture study. For example, buy yourself a new pair of shoes if you have personal scripture study for five minutes everyday for a month.
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