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Visiting and Home Teaching

Ah, yes, everyone's favorite topic of guilt. And we have good reason to be guilty: visiting/home teaching results in more blessings than we realize, and when we do not do it we deny ourselves and others these blessings.
  1. Foremost, we learn more about the gospel from preparing the message and sharing our insights. We are supposed to discuss the message and edify one another. I think too often we do not give this part of the visit as much focus as needed.

  2. We provide or receive service by being or having a constant support system.

  3. We make friends! This is my favorite blessing of visiting/home teaching. It's fun getting to know others and becoming close to some of them.

  4. Also, the relationships we create strengthen the ward as a whole. If everyone were friends, there would be less drama, gossip, hate, and offenses. We would be unified and feel loved and cared about.

  5. We learn to be selfless by serving and we increase our spirituality by praying for those we teach. We grow closer to the Spirit and develop Christ-like qualities.

So, have you done your visiting or home teaching this month?

Discussion: What other blessings come from visiting and home teaching?

photo from


Anonymous said…
never had a problem doing it always loved it and always will- too many good people to love not to visit them-DAD

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