You don't have to be married or have children to be a good spouse or parent. Sister Silvia H. Allred said in General Conference October 2010 , "You don't have to be married to keep the commandments and to nurture families, friends, and neighbors. Your gifts, talents, skills, and spiritual strengths are greatly needed in building up the kingdom. The Lord relies on your willingness to perform these essential duties." You can be a good spouse now by keeping yourself morally clean, taking care of your body, developing your talents, educating yourself both temporally and spiritually, supporting yourself financially, praying for your future spouse, learning and practicing positive relationship skills, developing habits you want to instill in your family, such as scripture study, and getting rid of bad habits that cause contention in marriages, such as spending too much money or being negative. You can be a good parent now as you serve in your ward. You can teach s...
"That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day." -D&C 50:24