With summer trips coming, it's important we prepare for the Sabbath while on vacation. Just because we rest from our worldly cares does not mean we should forget about Sunday! It is very easy to keep the Sabbath Day holy while on vacation: If possible, try not to travel on Sunday so you can attend church and not have to buy food or gas. Find a church building and meeting times on lds.org . If you must travel on Sunday, try to arrange your travel plans so that you can still attend an early sacrament meeting if possible. If you cannot attend church because you have to travel or there are no meetinghouses nearby, hold your own devotional services at your hotel. Sing songs, pray, and read the scriptures or General Conference talks. Then spend time together playing games or watching LDS movies. Listen to the scriptures, LDS music, or General Conference talks in the car or on the plane. If you are visiting family, go to church with them--even if they are of a different faith. ...
"That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day." -D&C 50:24