Teach your children how to use modern media in righteous ways by incorporating them in Family Home Evening: Have everyone share their favorite Mormon Message. Download hymns and Primary songs to iTunes, iPods, or iPhones. Make playlists for certain activities, such as "On our way to church" or "Wiggle songs." Take photos or make videos to submit to the media library on lds.org. Make profiles on mormon.org. Read an Ensign (or other Church magazine) article, General Conference talk, or the scriptures and have everyone follow along on their laptop/tablet, phone, or iPod touch. Or have each person read or watch a talk of their choice and then share what they learned with the rest of the family. Work on Personal Progress or Duty to God online. Listen to the LDS radio . Work on scripture mastery or memorizing the Articles of Faith together. Play games from The Friend online. Have Family Home Evening with family members elsewhere via Skype. For more ide...
"That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day." -D&C 50:24