My one-year-old son recently reminded me how important it is to teach by example. One night when we were about to have family scripture study, as we always do before he goes to bed, he folded his arms on his own. We did not teach him by folding his arms for him; he learned by watching us. Now he does it every time we read scriptures or say prayer. On the other hand, when my baby started yelling and "talking" back when he was upset or wanted attention, I realized I needed to watch how I express my frustration around him. I told my husband we need to yell less often (especially since we aren't even mad, just yelling across the house or over the TV--not that we should yell when we're mad either) and keep calm when we discipline our son. Although it doesn't seem to make a difference in any one situation, I have noticed small improvements in the long run. Parenthood is a chance to refine ourselves as we realize how influential we are in our children's lives. W...
"That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day." -D&C 50:24